6 Fruits That Heal Your Entire Body
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offers rich menu of fruit that can refresh body. They help not only to have
sexy figure, but also to have healthy body. Fruit can cleanse the body of
toxins and they are tested remedy against stomach problems. It’s known that
vitamins, strengthen the immune system and are ideal protection from bacteria
and microorganisms.
1.Watermelon is used to treat infection of the liver
It is used
for liver infection cleanse and the urinary
tract, as well. The juicy fruit is good for the bile as it stimulates
secretion of bile juice. Watermelon has a diuretic effect - it increases the
excretion of water and salts from the body, regulates peristalsis and helps
prevent problems with irregular stomach. Because of the presence of
potassium, watermelon lowers blood pressure. Suitable for diabetics as fruit
sugar is absorbed by the body without insulin. Watermelon seeds are also
useful because of their content of fat and protein.
contains folic acid
3.Prunes are rich in minerals
They are
rich in minerals and have a great effect on the body. They help help in
diseases related to the cardiovascular system and bacterial infections.
Fruits are good for your teeth and gums. They are recommended for tartar
treatment. Prunes have a strong laxative effect. Should not be consumed by
people suffering from liver disease or who have problems with gall!
4.Figs are
good for bones
They have
great numbers of benefits to the bones, because of the presence of calcium.
Figs control blood pressure as they contain potassium and have a laxative
effect. They treat fever, cough and laryngitis. If you suffer from
excessive sweating, get a couple of delicious figs.
and mango against viruses and sweating
helps in quick recovery after surgery and it’s used against viruses in
summer. Helps in treatment of ulcers and swelling, and absorption of foods
rich in proteins. It is rich in beta carotene, which helps with sweating.
Mangoes loads body with everything it needs, as it contains a variety of
vitamins and minerals. It is recommended for anemia and skin problems,
increases appetite.
strengthen immune system
presents in different diets, in the treatment of hemorrhoids, and kidney
stones, urinary tract cleansing. Cellulose in the fruit help blood vessels
strengthen and enzymes. It reflects well on the digestive system. In melon
there are folic acid, which calms the nervous system. Few people know that
this fruit contains hormone of happiness.It is also useful for pregnant women
because it energizes the body and chase fatigue. It is also a cosmetic
product, great for faster hair growth. But be careful – is being slowly
processed by the body. You should take it taken at least 2-3 hours after a
meal and do not mix it with dairy products or eggs. Not recommended for
fruits are rich in vitamins B and C, iron, calcium, fibers and organic acids.
Raspberries help for colds and to lower the temperature. Blackberries contain
bioflavonoids, thus they strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Blueberries
strengthen immune system and improve eyesight. Strawberries enhance appetite
and load your body with right amount of vitamins and minerals.